However, the Hindu leaders including Rabindranath Tagore questioned Gandhi's leadership because they were largely against recognising or supporting the Sunni Islamic Caliph in Turkey. [296] According to Gandhi, this was not true "service" but one driven by an ulterior motive of luring people into religious conversion and exploiting the economically or medically desperate. British political leaders such as Lord Birkenhead and Winston Churchill announced opposition to "the appeasers of Gandhi", in their discussions with European diplomats who sympathised with Indian demands. He was also willing to compromise. Prominent Muslim allies in his nonviolent resistance movement included Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Abdul Ghaffar Khan. [195], Gandhi's assassination dramatically changed the political landscape. [176] The violence on Direct Action Day led to retaliatory violence against Muslims across India. He believed that a better economic system is one which does not impoverish one's culture and spiritual pursuits.[381]. He planned to assist Indians in opposing a bill to deny them the right to vote, a right then proposed to be an exclusive European right. He asked Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colonial Secretary, to reconsider his position on this bill. One of his brothers raised the necessary money, and his mother’s doubts were allayed when he took a vow that, while away from home, he would not touch wine, women, or meat. [102] He launched his satyagraha movement in 1919. [26][59], In April 1893, Gandhi aged 23, set sail for South Africa to be the lawyer for Abdullah's cousin. He went on to stay for 21 years. [222], Along with the book mentioned above, in 1908 Leo Tolstoy wrote A Letter to a Hindu, which said that only by using love as a weapon through passive resistance could the Indian people overthrow colonial rule. "[228] 'I have said elsewhere that in moulding my inner life Tolstoy and Ruskin vied with Kavi. [205], Gandhi's statements, letters and life have attracted much political and scholarly analysis of his principles, practices and beliefs, including what influenced him. If Indians refused to co-operate, British rule would collapse and swaraj would come. [22], Although he only had an elementary education and had previously been a clerk in the state administration, Karamchand proved a capable chief minister. His method of non-violent Satyagraha could easily attract masses and it fitted in with the interests and sentiments of business groups, better-off people and dominant sections of peasantry, who did not want an uncontrolled and violent social revolution which could create losses for them. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, the Muslim League Chief Minister of Bengal – now Bangladesh and West Bengal, gave Calcutta's police special holiday to celebrate the Direct Action Day. Advantageously, Gandhi was born into the Vaishya (merchant) caste thus this allowed him to acquire an all-inclusive education. Gandhi wanted to go. Gandhi had a friendly and productive relationship with Hills, but the two men took a different view on the continued LVS membership of fellow committee member Dr Thomas Allinson. Jean-Luc Nancy said that the French philosopher Maurice Blanchot engaged critically with Gandhi from the point of view of "European spirituality". The partition had gripped the Indian subcontinent with religious violence and the streets were filled with corpses. [387], Gandhi's complete works were published by the Indian government under the name The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi in the 1960s. The British did not respond favourably to Gandhi's proposal. Women, to Gandhi, should be educated to be better in the domestic realm and educate the next generation. [231][335] According to Sankar Ghose, Tagore described Gandhi as someone who did not abhor sex or women, but considered sexual life as inconsistent with his moral goals. [71] However, a new Natal government discriminatory proposal led to Gandhi extending his original period of stay in South Africa. Putlibai gave Gandhi her permission and blessing.[49][53]. Emergence as a political and social activist,, The Nobel Prize - Mahatma Gandhi, the missing laureate, Cultural India - History of India - Biography of Mahatma Gandhi, South African History Online - Biography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, IndiaNetzone - Biography of Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Mahatma Gandhi - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Years in South Africa: Emergence as a political and social activist, Years in South Africa: The religious quest. [320][321] He tried fresh and dry fruits (Fruitarianism), then just sun dried fruits, before resuming his prior vegetarian diet on advice of his doctor and concerns of his friends. The Gandhi family originated from the village of Kutiana in what was then Junagadh State. In the months following, he undertook several fasts unto death to stop religious violence. [52] His mother was not comfortable about Gandhi leaving his wife and family, and going so far from home. Biographie de Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, issu de la caste des Vayshia, est né en Inde, à Porbandar dans l'Etat du Gujarat, dans une famille relativement aisée.Elevé dans les valeurs hindouistes, il apprend à connaître les autres religions et la tolérance envers elles. Our beloved leader, Bapu as we called him, the father of the nation, is no more. [120] Gandhi demanded that people stop all violence, stop all property destruction, and went on fast-to-death to pressure Indians to stop their rioting. The same year Gandhi adopted the Indian loincloth, or short dhoti and, in the winter, a shawl, both woven with yarn hand-spun on a traditional Indian spinning wheel, or charkha, as a mark of identification with India's rural poor. [182][306] In 1937, Gandhi discussed Zionism with his close Jewish friend Hermann Kallenbach. He was critical of Christian missionary efforts in British India, because they mixed medical or education assistance with demands that the beneficiary convert to Christianity. "[95] He did, however, stipulate in a letter to the Viceroy's private secretary that he "personally will not kill or injure anybody, friend or foe. [447] Gandhi's date of death, 30 January, is commemorated as a Martyrs' Day in India. [329], Some historians such as Angela Woollacott and Kumari Jayawardena state that even though Gandhi often and publicly expressed his belief in the equality of sexes, yet his vision was one of gender difference and complementarity between them. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, is assassinated in New Delhi by a Hindu extremist. [97], In 1918, Kheda was hit by floods and famine and the peasantry was demanding relief from taxes. [12] Some Indians thought Gandhi was too accommodating. [225] It was at Tolstoy Farm where Gandhi and Hermann Kallenbach systematically trained their disciples in the philosophy of nonviolence. He cut a controversial figure outside India as well, although for different reasons. [26] Some of the vegetarians he met were members of the Theosophical Society, which had been founded in 1875 to further universal brotherhood, and which was devoted to the study of Buddhist and Hindu literature. [163] While in jail, he agreed to an interview with Stuart Gelder, a British journalist. The developments heightened Churchill's anxiety that the "British themselves would give up out of pacifism and misplaced conscience". [31][32], The family's religious background was eclectic. Deadly religious riots re-appeared in numerous cities, with 91 in United Provinces of Agra and Oudh alone. Gandhi married his wife, Kasturba, when he was 13, and together they had five children. Their disagreement is the first known example of Gandhi challenging authority, despite his shyness and temperamental disinclination towards confrontation. [74][75], In 1906, the Transvaal government promulgated a new Act compelling registration of the colony's Indian and Chinese populations. This day was commemorated by almost every other Indian organisation. [81] According to Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed, Gandhi's views on racism are contentious, and in some cases, distressing to those who admire him. It began with his engagement with Romain Rolland and Martin Buber. [435], The 1979 opera Satyagraha by American composer Philip Glass is loosely based on Gandhi's life. [115] Turkey's Atatürk had ended the Caliphate, Khilafat movement ended, and Muslim support for Gandhi largely evaporated. [189][190] They were tried in court at Delhi's Red Fort. [24][25][26][27] Karamchand and Putlibai had three children over the ensuing decade: a son, Laxmidas (c. 1860–1914); a daughter, Raliatbehn (1862–1960); and another son, Karsandas (c. I do not claim to have originated any new principle or doctrine. The unthinking adoration of the huge crowds that gathered to see him all along the route of his tours made them a severe ordeal; he could hardly work during the day or rest at night. Leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States, including Martin Luther King Jr., James Lawson, and James Bevel, drew from the writings of Gandhi in the development of their own theories about nonviolence. According to Margaret Chatterjee, Gandhi as a Vaishnava Hindu shared values such as humility, devotion and brotherhood for the poor that is also found in Sufism. Congress publicised the fasts as a political action that generated widespread sympathy. As was prevailing tradition, the adolescent bride was to spend much time at her parents' house, and away from her husband. However, his understanding of faith was constantly evolving as he encountered new belief systems. Gandhi was involved in the final negotiations, but Stanley Wolpert states the "plan to carve up British India was never approved of or accepted by Gandhi". [422] Decades later, the Nobel Committee publicly declared its regret for the omission, and admitted to deeply divided nationalistic opinion denying the award. While military is unnecessary in a nation organised under swaraj principle, Gandhi added that a police force is necessary given human nature. [230][231][232], During his stay in South Africa, along with scriptures and philosophical texts of Hinduism and other Indian religions, Gandhi read translated texts of Christianity such as the Bible, and Islam such as the Quran. Many people know about the famous Indian activist who led the Indian country towards independence from the British. [298] According to Eric Sharpe – a professor of Religious Studies, though Gandhi was born in a Hindu family and later became Hindu by conviction, many Christians in time thought of him as an "exemplary Christian and even as a saint". [370], Gandhi believed in the sarvodaya economic model, which literally means "welfare, upliftment of all". In Gandhi's view, those who attempt to convert a Hindu, "they must harbour in their breasts the belief that Hinduism is an error" and that their own religion is "the only true religion".
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