Send Money reliably find a Western Union® Agent location at Azzaba Skikda, - 21300 to thousands of locations around the world or directly to a bank account. Search country. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Systems: Western Union; Agent: ALGERIE POSTE ―| Receive Money |― Send Money. En ligne, les montants peuvent varier selon le pays de destination et l’historique des opérations (pour des raisons réglementaires : lutte contre le financement du terrorisme et … Agent | Closed • … Track a transfer. La Poste limite les envois via Western Union à 7 600 € par jour et par personne si vous vous rendez au guichet. Search country. Du dimanche au samedi de 8h00 à 17h30. Find locations. Visit a Western Union® agent location near Ain Temouchent, Algeria to send or receive money fast. The power to send money around the world is yours. Money transfer locations in Tizi Ouzou, D Benkhedda [EN] English ... algerie poste tizi ouzou, d benkhedda +213-21-643730. Visit a Western Union® agent location near Guelma, Algeria to send or receive money fast. Search for a WU agent location near you. With Western Union, you can send money domestically, pay bills, check exchange rates *, track a transfer, make an international money transfer, and more – right from your smart phone. Pour réceptionner le mandat Western Union, le client se présente à l’établissement postal de son choix parmi les établissements connectés au réseau western union, muni de : ALGERIE POSTE. Western Union® agent location. Succursale Western Union 5, rue ALN Sidi Salem, Annaba, 26221. Western Union® is a quick and reliable way to send or receive money in worldwide locations such as supermarkets, check cashers, and convenience stores. To get started, download the Western Union ® app. Send money on the go with the Western Union ® app. Western Union® is a quick and reliable way to send or receive money in worldwide locations such as supermarkets, check cashers, and convenience stores. Find locations. Find an agent. Use current location. Adresse : Quartier des affaires, 16024, Bab Ezzouar, Algérie Tél: 023 92 32 00 Fax: 023 92 31 70. Western Union, Algérie Post Branch. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. E-Mail: Home Algeria Annaba Sidi Salem ALGERIE POSTE. Address Agent. Aussi, lorsque t'envois l'argent, le destinataire peut le récupérer en dinars au bout de quelques minutes. Save to email. 37, Hassiba Ben Bouali, Alger. Where to send or receive money in Tizi Ouzou, D Benkhedda with Western Union. Learn more about sending money. Sidi Salem. Numéro de téléphone: 21321643737. Comme l'a indiqué adekar, il y a de nombreux bureaux Algérie Poste dans chaque wilaya algérienne qui propose les services de Western Union. Today with over 500.000 Agent locations worldwide in over 200 countries and territories, millions of people trust Western Union to send and receive money worldwide. Pour toute réclamation, appelez notre : Liste des contacts des Unités Postales Wilaya Réception rapide de fonds « Western Union » : Pour ce type de transfert, l’Algérie est un pays récepteur uniquement.
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