By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. He's the one who defeated Cell. Sujet: Mirai Trunks [Non Disponible] Mar 19 Juin 2018 - 0:27. After her son kills both Future Android 18 and 17 and the arrival of Future Cell, Future Bulma's hair is cut shorter and her outfit is a white openly collared jacket with a light purple undershirt, white pants and a matching open-toed sandals. Trunks has the exact same appearance just like his final appearance in canon, though he has let his hair grow out once again. Japanese Names: Tourankusu (トランクス) Name Pun: Trunks boxers FUNimation Name: Future Trunks Silver Shenron Name: Mirai Trunks Other Names: Future Trunks, Trunks Brief,Alternate timeline Trunks, Time Patrol Trunks Race: Human/Saiyan Height: 170 cm Weight: 60 kg Birth Year: Age 766 Death Year: Age 767 (Revived) Hobbies: tinkering with machines Favorite Food: convenience store bento He was shown blocking blasts from Broly before his fight with Vegetto, and was seen shortly after helping out the injured victims of the battle. Upon his reappearance, he impales Trunks through the chest with a Full Power Death Beam, mortally wounding him. Cuando se anunció generó una enorme expectativa. He has blue eyes, and hair colored either lavender, purple or blue depending on the media, that is soft and straight that parts from the top of his head to frame both sides of his face reaching his ears with two loose strands over his forehead; traits he inherited from his mother. Nom: Brief Prénom: Trunks Age: 23-24 ans Race : Demi Saiyajin Alignement : Bon Histoire: Trunks est né en 766, il grandit sur une Terre ravagée par C°17 & C°18 However, Coola assumes his transformation and easily head his wounds. Anyone from Mirai Trunks' timeline will have Mirai in front of their name. The age far off someday when we are born again ... (Mirai Trunks x OC) January 3, 2016 AwkwardSilence . This is clearly shown in the original version through his speech, as he is often heard using the polite form of Japanese phrases when addressing his allies. It is later realized that Vegeta could have easily reached this same level of power if he wanted, but decided against it due to knowing full well the form's weakness, something Trunks failed to spot during their training due to his inexperience. See more ideas about future trunks, trunks, dragon ball. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [8]Future Trunks easily deflects an attack from a soldier in King Cold's armyAdded by BeadtmdcIn Age 784, Trunks travels back in time 20 years, in order to warn Goku about the android threat in the near future, as well as to deliver medication that will cure Goku of the heart virus that he is supposed to die from. Dec 1, 2017 - I kinda wanted to get new clothes for him, and remembering an old drawing I made for mother's day, I decided to take the idea of a red jacket again, inc... Mirai Trunks - Outfit design Eventually, Cell from another alternate timeline is revealed and hatches from his larval state, and he sets about absorbing the androids of the current timeline. Over the course of the next thirteen years, Gohan becomes Trunks' mentor and trains him in everything he knows. From his first appearance to the time he enters the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Future Trunks' hair is cut short, only reaching the middle of his ears. (In the manga, Trunks had already achieved the Super Saiyan form.) Android 17 looks on in disbelief and his feelings soon turn to hatred when the outclassed android charges Trunks again, but he too is terminated with ease in a single blow, before being blown to dust effortlessly. Well-mannered, serious and very cautious, Future Trunks hails from an alternate timeline in which Android 17 and Android 18 murdered the Z Fighters and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. When Android 20 (in reality, Dr. Gero) releases the real androids of his future, Android 17 and Android 18, they rebel and kill their creator before releasing the previously unknown Android 16. He turns towards Imperfect Cell and begins to taunt him with his knowledge from the alternate past. This article, Mirai Trunks (DBS.R), is the property of PrinceTrunks101. 1 Their Relationship 1.1 Future Trunks & Future Mai 1.2 Present Trunks and Present Mai 2 Trivia 3 Their Relationship Future Trunks and Future Mai met as children during the time period in which Androids 17 and 18 were terrorizing the world. This resulted in Vegeta to comment that Trunks could have given serious problems to Perfect Cell back in the day. She wears various casual outfits when staying at home or creating her son's time machine. His body became too bulky and slow from the large quantity of muscle and this gave Cell the upper hand, despite not even having powered up and slightly below Trunks in brute strength. He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became anUltra Super Saiyan - but when he loses his seeming "advantage" this cockiness dissolves instantly. Due to a hostile and lonely life with nearly everyone dead, Trunks' best and only friend is Future Gohan, which is comparable to the friendship of Trunks and Goten. They had come to Earth in order to seek revenge upon Goku's loved ones, and to kill Goku himself. As a Super Saiyan during the First Round, Trunks easily managed to defeat a augmented Coola while using minimum power. However, upon arrival he is greeted by Frieza with his father King Cold. Future Trunks gains his facial features and his light tan skin color from his paternal side. Mirai Trunks is the Saiyan and Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma. Due to a hostile and lonely life with nearly everyone dead, Trunks' best and only friend is Future Gohan, which is comparable to the friendship of Trunks and Goten.Super Saiyan Future Trunks a… They did meet in themanga and anime, however, when Trunks was still just a baby; once when Future Trunks rescued him and Bulma from Dr. Gero's attack, and once when Future Trunks came to Capsule Corporation before the Cell Gamesannouncement. Vegeta then gives everything he can give to try and take down Super Perfect Cell although he fails and is overwhelmed by Cell's power, who takes all his attacks without a scratch and severely cripples him with a halfhearted blow, preparing to kill him like he did Trunks (only to have Gohan shield him, but at the cost of the use of his left arm). Now they had their sights on Earth and he'll have to team up with the most unlikely allies ever to stop them. Lorsqu'il fait face aux humains artificiels il se bat avec toute la rage, héritée de son monde futur, où il a … Trunks has been seen a couple of times since his first fight. [6]Trunks finally transforms into a Super Saiyan after finding Gohan's dead bodyAdded by DiogoalvesLater in Age 780, the pair are drawn into battle against the Androids again, so Gohan knocks Trunks unconscious knowing that if he faces them again he will be killed. A 25-year-old Mirai Trunks decides he wants to learn how his father was at the exact same age and travels through space and time to sign on for Frieza's army. He is also the only full or half-Saiyan that does not display a voracious appetite at some point during the series, with the exception of the History of Trunks special, when he imitates his mentor Gohan's eating habit. Trunks revealed in his fight with his father that he can quickly become an Super Saiyan Third Grade when attacking and defending, and revert to a regular Super Saiyan when moving (with the change itself occurring less than a single second). Hoping to meet his friends, Trunks decided to accept. In DBM, Trunks achieved it by killing Tapion in his timeline, not by seeing Gohan's dead body like in filler. Super Buster Cannon: Future Trunks charges up a giant ball of energy in his hands and fires an enormous beam from that ball of energy. When he finally meets his father in the past, he is seen to be constantly trying to impress him. Trunks’ timeline is in complete danger due to new callous tyrants eradicating all mortals from existence - or in their terms ‘divine justice’. A 25-year-old Mirai Trunks decides he wants to learn how his father was at the exact same age and travels through space and time to sign on for Frieza's army. At Parsley City, the androids are about to kill another innocent man (in the manga he is killed before Trunks' arrival by being shot in the face by Android 17), when suddenly Trunks hurtles a very accurate energy attack which narrowly misses Android 17. While Gohan is preparing to fight Cell again, Trunks uses up the last of his life energy to vomit up blood, and the Z Fighters rush over to aid him, only to realize he had died that moment. Trunks will not go to Gohan's school, that's a cliché I've seen too much. Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,739 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 12/17/2010 - Published: 9/24/2010 - M. Trunks, Vegeta Future Trunks (未来のトランクス, Mirai no Torankusu) referred to in the series simply as Trunks, is the Saiyan and Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from the alternate future. Name: Trunks, Future Trunks, Mirai Trunks. He's the one who defeated Cell. Bulma bra Briefs is Trunks first child born 10 years after her parents marriage she is a very powerful warrior trunks is very protective over her sometimes she is capable of becoming a super saiyan and super saiyan 2 and is the princess of all saiyans, Mirai Briefs Jr. is trunks second child and younger brother of bra. As for Marron, I'm indifferent. Future Trunks takes action by grabbing Cell's tail and swinging him around in a circle, building up momentum, and then hurling him high into the air. [11]Future Trunks finds Android 19's headAdded by BeadtmdcWhen the androids eventually appear and they face the Z Fighters, Goku had not contracted the heart disease six months prior like he was supposed to, instead he contracted it during the battle against Android 19. Prince Trunks. Its a bit strange but hes fun to hang around with. Unlike his father or alternate timeline self, Future Trunks is often shown to be very polite and well-mannered. Tout comme son alter-ego du présent, Trunks détient les mêmes caractéristiques physiques que ce dernier. Gohan-Chan Goku's oldest son. Flight: The ability to levitate by manipulating one's ki. Cell realizes that he has no hope against the new powers of Trunks, and prepares a Kamehameha large enough to destroy the planet, knowing all too well that he could survive in space. The androids kill the Z Fighters in May of Age 767, except for Mirai Trunks. Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any characters or variations of DBZ. The time machine he travels in was also low in power, so he would have been stuck in the past forever. In both Budokai 3 and Shin Budokai, Trunks states that it is "Just like having a brother", whereas inLegendary Super Warriors and Tenkaichi 2, he does not even realize it is his future self and the two have a sparring match.

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